

LGBT Inclusive Education is the responsibility of all teachers.

It is the Scottish Government’s expectation that all teachers in Scotland will engage with the National Approach to LGBT Inclusive Education.

The support of teachers is vital in creating a society free from homophobia, biphobia and transphobia. We support teachers to meet the Scottish Government’s expectations. This includes completing both stages of the national CPD and embedding the LGBT Learning Themes throughout their teaching and learning.

TIE have been instrumental in our school’s implementation of LGBT Inclusive Education and we couldn’t be more grateful. They have been there for us, every step of the way; supporting us with resources, books, staff training.

The toolkit has been such a useful resource, guiding us along the way and ensuring that we have always been on the right track with our implementation of the learning themes and our plans. TIE’s inputs with our learners are always engaging and exciting, with their CPD staff inputs always incredible, refreshing and highly valuable. We are now confident that our learners are experiencing a good balance of windows and mirrors throughout their education here and that our LGBT learners and allies feel supported, included and safe here. We would not be where we are today without the team at TIE and their ongoing support.”

Ainsley Primary teacher, Glasgow

Services and resources

There are a variety of services and resources that support teachers to deliver LGBT Inclusive Education in their classroom. These include the free national CPD, curriculum materials and resources, national guidance and the LGBT Inclusive Education Implementation and Evaluation Toolkit. We also deliver assemblies and workshops for young people that supplement the implementation of LGBT Inclusive Education.

By using these services and resources, teachers will:

  • enhance their practice to be inclusive of LGBT young people and learners with LGBT family members
  • be better equipped to address the stereotypes and stigma which can often lead to prejudice and bullying
  • be able to better prepare all young people for life in our diverse society
  • feel confident about meeting the national expectations for LGBT Inclusive Education and fulfilling the Social Justice requirements of the GTCS Standards for Registration

If you are an early years practitioner, there are dedicated resources for early years settings. For more information, visit Early Years Overview.

LGBT Inclusive Education Implementation and Evaluation Toolkit

This Toolkit is a resource to support teachers. It serves as a guide to implementing LGBT Inclusive Education throughout the school setting, including how to collaborate with colleagues, how to engage with the CPD, and how to plan an LGBT inclusive curriculum that will benefit all learners. The Toolkit has been developed with Scottish teachers in line with the National Approach. Engaging with the Toolkit allows teachers and schools to be directly supported by us. Schools will progress through three distinct sections: Journey, Achievement and Excellence.

  • Journey functions as a simple and accessible starting point to LGBT Inclusive Education
  • Achievement is the stage in which schools build their LGBT inclusive curriculum and start to put it into practice
  • Excellence is for schools that wish to go beyond the base expectations and showcase the best of what they can bring to the practice of LGBT Inclusive Education

Supporting resources and certification are provided for each section. Schools that have been certified at Achievement can feel confident that they are meeting the Scottish Government’s expectations for the implementation of LGBT Inclusive Education.


We provide the free national ‘Delivering LGBT Inclusive Education’ CPD on behalf of the Scottish Government. It is important to complete this professional learning even if school staff have undertaken LGBT awareness training from other providers, as this professional learning supports the National Approach to LGBT Inclusive Education.

This CPD focuses on teaching and learning and creating an LGBT inclusive curriculum. It also addresses other common questions teachers may have about this area of work. It covers both the principles and practice for making LGBT Inclusive Education work in your school.

97% of teachers who completed the CPD said they had a better understanding of how to begin delivering LGBT Inclusive Education. Visit Our Impact for the current data about our services.

The CPD is divided into two stages. Stage 1 consists of an E-Learning module which is available on the lgbteducation.scot platform. The Stage 2 Curriculum Development input is an in-person training that requires the attendance of all teaching staff. After completing both stages of the CPD, teachers will:

  • know how to meet the national expectations for delivering LGBT Inclusive Education
  • have access to a bank of guidance and resources
  • have started planning their own inclusive curriculum
  • understand how LGBT Inclusive Education can be tailored to meet the needs of your unique school setting
Stage 1 E-Learning module

Stage 1 of ‘Delivering LGBT Inclusive Education’ is available on the lgbteducation.scot platform. It consists of an E-Learning module which can be completed by teachers individually in approximately 60 to 90 minutes.

Stage 1 covers the National Framework for LGBT Inclusive Education in Scotland. It provides the principles behind this area of work, including its place within current educational policy and national guidance. It also:

  • introduces the LGBT Inclusive Education Learning Themes
  • covers Child Protection and Safeguarding
  • advises where this work can sit within Scotland’s Curriculum

We have created a brief introduction to LGBT Inclusive Education, in the form of a short PowerPoint presentation, which you may find helpful to help introduce this professional learning to your staff cohort.

Download Primary Powerpoint

Download Secondary Powerpoint

Stage 2 Curriculum Development input

The Stage 2 Curriculum Development input is an in-person training that requires the attendance of all teaching staff. It takes two hours to complete. All staff attending Stage 2 should have completed the Stage 1 E-Learning module prior to the date of the Stage 2 input.

Stage 2 covers the practical elements of LGBT Inclusive Education, particularly teaching and learning. Teachers will work together to begin planning an LGBT inclusive curriculum that is tailored to their school setting. Stage 2 also offers:

  • why LGBT Inclusive Education is important for learners
  • scenarios and discussions on how to create an LGBT inclusive school environment
  • examples of resources that can be useful in the classroom
  • cross-curricular planning time to begin incorporating the LGBT Inclusive Education Learning Themes into the school’s curriculum

Before booking Stage 2, please read our Booking FAQs.

How can I get involved?

We welcome opportunities to collaborate with teachers to enhance LGBT Inclusive Education.

Our annual Teachers’ Gathering takes place in May. We bring together teachers from across Scotland to network, share their work, learn from experts, and develop their own practice in LGBT Inclusive Education. Read about our latest Teachers’ Gathering for more information.

If you have already made resources for LGBT Inclusive Education that you would like to share with others, or you have suggestions for potential resources, visit Our Resources for more information.

Our Resources

We produce curriculum materials for teachers delivering LGBT Inclusive Education that are ready to use and can also be easily adapted for the needs of learners. These resources also serve as examples of how LGBT Inclusive Education can look in different curricular areas, ages and stages for teachers who want to produce their own classroom materials.

92% of teachers who completed the CPD said they would use our LGBT Inclusive Education resources. Visit Our Resources page to view and download all of our available resources.


We manage lgbteducation.scot, the national platform for LGBT Inclusive Education on behalf of the Scottish Government. It hosts all quality approved resources, the national ‘Delivering LGBT Inclusive Education’ CPD, the LGBT Inclusive Education Implementation and Evaluation Toolkit and all current national guidance for this policy area.